Chison eBit10Vet Veterinary High Frequency Portable Ultrasound with Two Probes

Ebit10Vet - Best Quality BW ultrasound
One choice of two probe:
Linear array 7-18Mhz
Rectal 5-14Mhz
Micro convex 4-13Mhz
Additional probe $1500
Ebit 10Vet was designed by KeeboVet based on the customer requirements.
Best image quality among all black white ultrasound in whole entire world.
It was designed in order to meet the needs of the Veterinarians but in the same time to be less expansive. The Ebit 10Vet has Top image quality, same as as Ebit50 and eBit60, which are more than 15K. In order keep high image quality and have good price we removed color doppler function and some other functions not relevant to veterinarians.
Many exams in animals require high frequency specially with very small animals. Ebit 10 has linear array probe 7-18Mhz, and currently it is only one black white ultrasound with such high frequency and also in the same time only one ultrasound under 7K , that has such high frequency. This would be very useful in tendon examinations and also redents, reptiles on other small animals.
The rectal probe for Equine and Bovine exams in unique: 5-14 Mhz frequency, long lens 70mm and amazing 126 elements.
Micro convex probe for small animals 5-13 Mhz.
Finally!! The ultrasound that many are looking for:
Low cost, high image quality amazingly high frequency of the probes.Same performance as eBit50 but not color.
Unique probe frequency Linear Array 7-18Mhz, perfect for shellow examination.
Equine tendon- best .
Equine bovine work-perfect.
Small animals excellent
Even small Nerves can be seen.