On Sale
Large Orthopedic 4.5/6.5mm Set - Instruments Only

Large Animal Vet Orthopedic Instrument Set
KeeboVet Kit includes high quality instruments 4.5mm, 6.5mm for orthopedic surgery. Does not include plates and screws.
Aluminum Case with Strong Lid and 4.5/6.5mm Screw Rack
- Neutral & Loaded Drill Guide 3.2
- Depth Gauge 30mm
- Countersink Drill 8
- Broken Screw Exteriorizer
- Plate Bending Forceps 2x1
- Periosteal Elevator Flat 16
- Periosteal Elevator Round 8
- Screwdriver (hex) + Driver Nut sw 3.5
- Hohmann Retractor 2x1
- HA 4.5 Tap
- HA 6.5 Tap
- Skid Exteriorizer sw 3.5mm
- Reduction Forceps
- Curved Reduction Forceps
- Self-centering Forceps (two)
- Drill Bit - 3.2x150 (two)
- Drill Bit - 4.5x150 (two)
- C-Shaped Guider 3x1
- Drill Bushing 3.2/4.5mm
- Drill Bushing 4.5/6.5mm
- Screw Holding Forceps