On Sale
Large Orthopedic Fragment Set 4.5/6.5mm

Veterinary Large Animal Orthopedic Equipment Kit
Veterinary orthopedic high quality 4.5mm and 6.5mm system for large animals. Plates, screws and instruments for large fragment surgical implants. Screws are stainless steel, hex head, and self tapping. All equipment comes neatly and securely housed in an aluminum case.
- Case with 4.5/6.5 Screw Rack
- Neutral & Loaded Drill Guide 3.2
- Depth Gauge 30
- Countersink Drill 8
- Broken Screw Exteriozer
- Plate Bending Forceps 2x1
- Periosteal Elevator Flat 16
- Periosteal Elevator Round 8
- Screwdriver (hex) and DriverNut sw 3.5
- Hohmann Retractor 2x1
- HA 4.5 Tap
- HA 6.5 Tap
- Skid Exteriozer sw 3.5
- Reduction Forceps
- Curved Reduction Forceps
- Self-centering Forceps (2)
- Drill Bit 3.2x150 (2)
- Drill Bit 4.5x150 (2)
- Drill Bushing 3.2/4.5
- Drill Bushing 4.5/6.5
- Screw Holding Forceps
- Plates - different sizes for 4.5 and 6.5 screws (10) (5-14 holes 92-254mm)
- Bone Screws HA 4.5 (cortical) and 6.5 (cancelleous) - (90 count)